Many factors can contribute to dry eyes. While the causes inside the body are difficult to improve, the external environmental factors can often be influenced positively.
Dry eyes are difficult to really prevent, but to improve the complaints already simple measures at home ("home remedies") can help:
A healthy and vitamin-rich diet as well as a sufficient drinking amount promote ocular health and tear film formation
Drying environmental factors should be avoided as far as possible or at least be improved - for example by regulating air conditioning and ventilation or by short breaks with exercises for increased blinking
if these measures are not possible or are not sufficient, glasses with evaporation protection may be worn and can provide sufficient improvement in daily life.
bicycle glasses can also be used which are largely surrounded by evaporation protection.
Further preventive measures to avoid or improve the onset of dry eye
=> Eyelid hygiene and Lidcare, in particular of the lid margins
Lidcare and Hygiene on a regular basis keeps the eye healthy by preventing or improving a blockage of the openings of the important meibomian oil glands on the edge of the eyelid. The removal of harmful deposits on the edge of the eyelid prevents inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), which is closely related to dry eye.
=> BASIC physical therapy of the meibom oil glands in the eyelid (warming, massage, hygiene)
can be done at home, as the next possible step of treatment. It is considered an important measure to restore the function of the Meibomian oil glands and thus to keep the ocular surface healthy.