Many harmful influencing factors in daily life can promote the development of dry eyes and worsen the symptoms - even in younger people - these are risk factors.

=> here are some practical suggestions how to avoid the most frequent desiccating risk factors in private and work environments

Above all, this concerns environmental influences that lead to desiccation of the ocular surface through increased evaporation of the tear water.

Such drying influences exist both in home environments and in work environments. Important harmful desiccating factors include:

  • dry air, e.g. in the heating season and through air conditioning

  • air flow and wind, e.g. through fans and blowers

  • when drought and wind come together, such as in air conditioning systems and when driving a car, a dry eye condition can develop particularly easy

  • pollution in the air with dust particles and smoke, but also your own smoking, or possibly exhalations of office equipment such as computer ventilation or printers, can irritate the eyes

  • concentrated visual work at computer displays or when driving a car, leads to rare blinking and can thus dry out the eye. Concentrated viewing when driving a car together with dry air from the air conditioning system or blowers is a potent cause of dry eyes. A dry eye in the context of office work, where many desiccating factors come together, is termed as “office eye”. The same conditions in extensive computer gaming often lead to a “gamer´s eye”, even in younger individuals.

  • contact lens wear can also favor dry eyes 

=> here is more information on harmful influencing factors in daily life and on home remedies

After considering the symptoms and causes of dry eyes, the question arises:

=> What can I do about dry eyes ?