Homeopathic medicine
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) - founder of homeopathy
Homeopathy is based on the homeopathic principle of similarity, which the German doctor, chemist and researcher Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) founded around 1790.
Hahnemann described in a self-experiment with china bark a basic principle of what became the start of his new homeopathy theory that "like cures like", or, as originally phrased in latin ´similia similibus curentur´.
A good overview of some basic principles of homeopathy can be found, for example, on the website of a Swiss company (Similasan), which only produces homeopathic medicines and sells them internationally.
Homeopathic eye drops
In contrast to conventional tear supplements, homeopathic eye drops are typically not a replacement for a lack of tear fluid, but instead according to the homeopathic theory they are regardes a medicine.
Homeopathic eye drops are not primarily used to replace, for example, water for moistening and ´lubrication´ on the surface of the eye.
Homeopathic eye drops contain active ingredients that are said to have a healing and soothing effect on the symptoms of the dry eye in order to normalize the disturbed function again.
Homeopathic medicines are typically prepared in various dilutions and made as drops or in small beads bound to sugar (globules).
If there is already a clear lack of water or an oil deficiency in the chronic irritation of the dry eye, then appropriate aqueous tear substitutes should also be used without or with oil addition or as a pure oil addition. This should be carried out at least until the intended healing effect from the homeopathic medicinal product is sufficiently effective.
In addition to the use of homeopathic medicines for dry eyes, it is of course sensible to simultaneously carry out a supporting regular physical eyelid margin therapy to improve the function of the eyelid and meibomian glands.
Homeopathic globules
Homeopathic medicines for treatment of the eye are offered not only as eye drops but also in solid form as globules. There the active ingredient is bound to sugar in small pills.
Although homeopathic eye drops are regarded as a medicine, they are typically still freely available in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
=> HERE you will find some more in-depth overview of therapy options with tear substitutes .
=> HERE you will find further information on stage therapy for the dry eye according to severity
Overview of homeopathic eye drops and globules
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